The Halo Effect: Stop Falling For It (and Start Taking Advantage)
What is the Halo Effect ?
Our tendency to assume someone (or something) has generally positive traits,
based solely on a
Growth has an Order of Operations
Growing a business, like math, has an “order of operations” that you have to
You know, multiply first, do
Survivorship Bias: Why Reading Too Many Stories of Success is Bad For You
What is Survivorship bias?
* A reasoning error that happens when you focus only on stories of success,
leading to a
Skill, Audience, Network: 3 Currencies That Define Your Career
Here's a useful framework: thinking about your career as one that collects
different types of currencies.
Think of
The Circular History of Press Narratives
When you've been in marketing / PR / media long enough, you'll notice that press
narratives largely follow
The Great Zero Marketing Lie
One of the most pernicious tropes in tech is that you can succeed with "zero
This should
The Annoying Truth Behind Case Studies and "Best Practices"
Every now and then, a friend will give a talk at a conference where they tell
this amazing story. You&
How To Evaluate a Company Before You Join Them
I used to do this the stupid way that I'm almost embarrassed to share this. But
What is the job of the Marketing team?
One of my favorite things to do is taking calls from recruiters. A lot of
marketers turn down recruiting calls
Deep Work is a Trap: To Thrive in a Remote World, Learn To Context Switch
We're over a year now into the Great Remote Work experiment, and after a
honeymoon period where everyone